European MBA Diary

Tuesday, February 01, 2005

My story (episode I)

In 2001 I was working full-time in London on a specific project... and already bored with my engineering career. It was then that I started thinking more seriously on an MBA. After visiting an MBA Fair in London in 2002 and after reading 'Getting the MBA Admissions Edge' (great book, btw) I decided to apply for INSEAD and, probably, to LBS. However, due to the longer LBS program, I later decided to apply only for INSEAD (2002 September intake).

Here are some advices on preparing your application:


Prepare very early!! I did my first GMAT on September 2001. However, I didn't like the results (630). I had used two books to study for the test:

I then bought 'The official guide for GMAT Review' by ETS, and practiced a lot! This is an essential book for everyone studying for the GMAT! In October 2001 I did the test again and achieved the desired result: 710.


Since I was working in the UK, this was an easy one. 293 was the result.

3) Essays

Very very important: write a true and unique story. Make yourself different from other applicants. And show initiative. Also, don't hesitate on using editors' services to correct your grammar and make your essays stand out even more. I used the editors and would recommend them every time!

After carefully preparing the application for INSEAD, I sent the entire pack on December 2001. Later that month, I received an email: I had been shortlisted for the interviews! Groooooovy!


My interviews sucked big time. First one was with a finance guy, french. The guy did not smile even for once during the interview. However, I know now that I wasn't prepared enough. I did not have a specific and strong argument for the main questions "why MBA" and "why INSEAD". The second interview went a bit better, with an HSBC Strategic Marketing director. She even gave me a guided tour through the offices (f**ckin amazing building in Canary Wharf!!), but again... I now realise that my story and motivations were not strong.

So, in January 2002 I received the final decision from INSEAD. Obviously... ding.

I was devastated and truly disappointed. Also, it was late to start working on applications for other schools. So, after considering my options, I decided to stay in my job and earn some more money for the more expensive LBS MBA. Later in 2004, my work in the London project ended and I had to return to Portugal. It was time to start thinking again on the MBA.



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