European MBA Diary

Tuesday, March 01, 2005

IESE - TAP and... probably shorlisted?

1) I received an email from IESE on the 24th February with a username and password which allows me to check the status of my application. I also had to fill out a CV form on their website.

2) The deadline for R3 is today, but according to the Track Application Process (TAP) webpage, there are still some missing items like the transcripts, diploma and CV!! I sent an email to Teresa Byrne (MBA admissions officer for my region) and apparently everything is ok.

and...... check the interesting part of her reply:

"I've received your documents yesterday. Tomorrow I'm out of my office all day but next Wednesday I will send you more information from our side, regarding your application. I'll send you the details for organising an interview with your, but I still need to get the agenda from the interviewer."

What the fuck does this mean?!? :-) Is she saying that I have already been shortlisted for the interview?? Is it possible that she leaked some information? That certainly would be nice! According to BW online, IESE interviewed 61% of their 2004 applicants. Not as selective as LBS, but still good news.


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