Spring break

Much has happened this term. I am now in cozy Portugal, enjoying the not so good weather, but the best friends, family and girlfriend. Feels good to be back.
I have to start by the most unusual thing. I was invited to join the Fixed Income team of a big big big investment bank! :D For those who know me, my answer shouldn't be a surprise (starts with 'N' and ends with 'O'). But anyway, it's always good to know that our experiences and skills have value to someone else. Basically, I have a great friend working for this bank and I asked him if they would be interested in having me for a couple of months, doing a part-time job. I will have class only on Mondays during Summer term, and am looking for something to do with the rest of my time - I need the money... BADLY! So, anyways, I was interviewed by three people and they liked me. Apparently, they liked me too much, because they said they would take me for a short-term project, only if I accepted a full-time position after August. DAMN! I guess that the biggest lesson from this episode is that networks do count. It is definitely the best resource for our job hunting adventures! There's like 200 people at LBS looking for a job like this and I, without wanting it and without applying for anything, got an 'offer'. Weird weird world...
Next... I am also in the interviewing process with a large fashion an luxury goods group. That's not media, I know, but it is still a cool business, right? I kind of see myself working in that area, in a marketing position. Having attended the excellent Mark Ritson's Brand Management class, I am sure I would enjoy working for this company! Fingers crossed for this one...
Do you remember my post about Rose Polidoro? I have kept contact with her and now I am very close of bringing her to LBS, for a presentation on the whole marketing strategy for The Lord of the Rings movies. Although it is still not certain, I would love to have her here! And I'm sure I wouldn't be only one.
Finally, I am looking forward for this next term. As I said before, I will only have one course: Creativity and Personal Mastery. Although I've heard mixed reviews and opinions, I am anxious and curious about it. I believe it will be the best way to end the MBA adventure.
Oh, and we will have MBAT again!! :)
Happy Easter everyone!