European MBA Diary

Monday, October 31, 2005

I live.... again!!

After 2 months of complete absenteism, yesterday I went to see a movie for the first time since I am in London (£8.70 for a ticket is crazy!! Mental note: I have to find out how I can get a NUS student card, those bastards did not accept my ISIC card). It feels good to have a life from time to time... Not having to think 24/7 on t-stats, R squares, porter's 5 forces, free chash flows, bonds, coupons, MOB audit, balance shets, P&Ls, price elasticity, market power, etc, etc, etc...

So, after buying Total Film magazine just to know what's going on, I realised that there are too many good films I want to see! Broken Flowers (Bill Murray has done it again, the guy is becoming huge!), Lord of War (any Nicholas Cage movie has potential to be great), Domino, Serenity, Murderball, Night Watch (russian sci-fi) and there's a Ghost in the Shell sequel!!!!

My pick went to Serenity, not for any special reason (well... it's sci-fi) but because it was the next movie showing when I entered the theatre. It's a great movie! Makes me remind of my geeky early years when spending days and days playing games like Wing Commander and X-Wing! :-) Serenity is based on a former tv-series (Firefly) that was cancelled by Fox network, without any apparent reason. It's a kind of sci-fi epic movie, a mixture between Star Wars (there's an Han-Solo type character) with Pitch Black, with great action scenes, good enough story (except the usual Holywood happy ending and feel-good shit) and amazing special fx. Overall, I really enjoyed it... and it felt so good being 2 hours without thinking about the school, just enjoying a good movie and eating some nachos (I don't do popcorn).

Wednesday, October 26, 2005

Ah! This is what they call 'work'??

Things are getting crazier and crazier around here. Let me give you a brief description of my day-to-day life:

7.30am: wake up, think 'i hope it is sunny today' and how I would like to smeel the see, open the window, and see this miserable grey weather and drizzle.
8.15am: really get out of bed.
9:00am: buy a Red Bull.
9:05am: late to school... again. Everyone is saying I am always 5 minutes late.
12:00: lunch. Eat the sandwich and the apple I brought from home.
12:30: check emails. Do assignments (one of the 4 or 5 due next week)
14:00: class again. Or group work. Or individual work.
17:00: classes are over. Skype or chat with my special one, family or friends (I still don't have internet at home).
18:00: go to the library. Prepare classes for tomorrow and/or work on assignments.
22:00: library is closing. Go home.
22:10: have dinner.
22:30: continue work.
01:00: go to bed.

Shit! I don't have a life!!!
I was talking to one of my flatmates the other day, and we agreed on something. Being a student is nice, but we really miss our previous status! :-)) He was driving a convertible between Mexico in the states, I was living 100 meters from the sea, in one of the most beautiful cities in Portugal (Cascais), working from 10am to 6 or 7pm, going to fancy restaurants, great nights out. Damn! I don't even remember the last time I went to see a movie!!! (the fact that they're so expensive around here doesn't help either....).

So, what's happening now? Spent the last weekend working on Financial Accounting and Strategy assignments. Before that we had a Stats group assignment due on friday. Now I have an individual Stats assignment due this friday. Next week, on the 3rd November, we have a Managerial Economics midterm exam, and on the same day I have to hand-in a Finance assignment. On the 2nd is the Media Summit pre-conference dinner, and the 4th is the Summit itself! Meanwhile we still have to find a client for the Management Organisaional Behaviour (MOB) audit project. And we are already late on that. I'm gonna get crazy! :-)

But not everything is bad. Last week the media club organised a lunch with a guy from Sony Pictures Television (VP of Corporate Publicity). It was really cool because there was just 5 or 6 of us and him. This guy had such great stories! He knows a lot of celebrities and does lots of business for TVs and Movie companies around the world. I wouldn't mind doing something like that!

And another way to show that we also have lots of fun, is by showing some pictures. I know I promised to post some photos of the Tatoo and Talent Night parties. I still haven't processed the Tatoo ones, but here are a few from Talent Night (KV has some nice photos from Tatoo, and also a funny interesting post this week):

Thursday, October 13, 2005


Some people have been complaining about how lazy I am. That my last post was ages ago. I've been extremely busy, guys! And my girlfriend was visiting me for the last 5 days. I didn't have time for anything else... right.... here it is! My new post! :-)

Actually, I'm at the school right now, in one of the lecture theaters, writing this on my iPAQ (I became too attached to it). I'm attending a somewhat strange but also curious event called 'Outer Mongolia or Bust'. It's supposed to tell us how to network more effectively... No further comments on that.

It seems the Media Summit will be amazing! Yesterday I received the confirmation that a big shot from BBC will participate in the user-created content panel. And we already have 3 other panelists! One of them is a podcasting comedian. :-)

As for past events my next post will include some photos from two really amusing events: the inter-stream football tournament (which my stream lost miserably... probably because I played) and the Talent Night (what fantastic talented people we have in the school!!!).

Oh! This weekend is Tatoo party! The Portugal table will be the place to be! Lots of good food and drinks. More on that later.


Great! We're having a break from this Mongolia event now. Time to go.

PS: KV, can you clarify what you said the other day about... very comfortable women lingerie??

PS2: we started already with the core courses. How can anyone actually enjoy Finance?! And Accounting?!?